Saturday, October 23, 2021

A 300mm Lens Down at the Harbor

The fun thing about going down to the harbor with my 300mm f/2.8 lens, is that I saw pictures everywhere!  That's always fun.  I spent a lot of time looking around waiting for the Moon to rise, and I brought along a longer telephoto lens than I usually bring with me.  So I loved this solitary bird sitting on a post, and with the 300mm lens I was able to reach out a long way to capture it.  I believe this is a member of the Heron family, but since it is not illuminated from the front, it was hard to identify.



Anonymous said...

I like the golden tones on the water which fade into the blue. The heron on the pole looks like he's looking for lunch :-) betsey

Anonymous said...

Such a peaceful scene. Trace