Saturday, October 16, 2021

Something About This Tree

I can't tell you why I like this scene, and why I photographed it.  I haven't a clue.  It's a tree in a field, surrounded by other trees.  It is surrounded as well by the wild grasses I showed you a photograph of yesterday.  I thought I liked it in color, which is how I shot this, but what is unusual for me, is that I thought the color was distracting for some reason.  But in black & white this is all about form.  I just got a feeling, and I can't even explain what that is.  I would be interested in what you think about this.


ken schwarz said...

It wasn't long after we met in 1972 that we started talking about photography. I will always remember your expression "Wall Hanger" to describe those occasional photographs worthy of that accolade. I don't think today's blog photo is a wall hanger but the wild grass in the foreground and beyond made me think of wheat fields in Kansas and the lone tree appears a bit out of place. But the tree is actually interesting for it's odd dome shape and with low limbs at ground level.

Anonymous said...

"Mother Nature" is in charge. Love the black and white.

Anonymous said...

Cool photo! The tree is by itself making it distinctive. Plus, the rounded shape and the low branches make it a little more unusual. I like the grasses surrounding it. betsey

Ken Spencer said...

Thank you all for your comments. I appreciate that I am not the only one attracted to this scene, for whatever reason!