Monday, October 4, 2021

A Solitary Walk

I wanted to try using a 70-200mm zoom lens for my Sony a7 that my friend lent me, so I decided to drive down to the Sea Cliff beach, which is at the base of the cliff.  I was walking around and photographing different things and then decided to walk back up the hill so I got a better view looking down on the harbor.  As I was walking down the legendary stairs on the cliff, I saw this woman walking alone, and started following her with the camera as she walked along.  So this is the best shot, with her spaced in the middle of the two lamp posts.  I would like you to thing I was a great photographer and got this in one shot, but the truth is, I took 7 photographs as I tracked her walking.  This image is the second from the last.  At least I got it.  You might think the title refers to the woman walking alone.  But it occurred to me that I, too, was a solitary walker - with my camera.


1 comment:

ken schwarz said...

I like the composition and subject of this photograph but I am bummed that street lamp on the right is not lit!