Wednesday, October 6, 2021

"You Lookin' At?"

When I was testing the borrowed lens the other day, I climbed these amazing stairs that are 80 feet tall, that go up and down part of the cliff in Sea Cliff.  After taking some photographs of the harbor from up on the road, I started back down the stairs.  And as I looked down to make sure I didn't take any missteps, I saw this!  Wow!  How cool is this!  A face on the stairs!  And the title?  when I was working I went to a high school in Queens, and kids were sitting around on the stairs out front.  One student passed another and the first one said "You lookin' At?"  And I thought that was funny, that he didn't say "What are you lookin' at?"  I loved the short version, the "street" version, and I use it all the time just for fun.



Anonymous said...

A really fun photo! Love it!

Anonymous said...

I love the eyes looking out from the stairs. That's what I'm looking' at! betsey