Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Gray on Gray

This was Dunkin' Donuts at the beach day, and even though I no longer post a picture from here every Tuesday as I used to do, I do bring a camera in case I see something interesting.  Today I noticed the beautiful luminous gray of the overcast clouds, and saw them reflected in the water.  So what I did today that I haven't done before, is that I walked down to the waterline, which meant more of the water was in the lower half of the photograph, reflecting the gray sky.  That's why this is titled "Gray on Gray."  What's interesting is that I have never done this exact view before, showing so much water in the foreground.  But it works today, so here it is.  The beautiful grays of these clouds is just magical to me, with their subtle shades.



Anonymous said...

Love the photo. It is so peaceful and I love the detail in it- the sand with rocks and shells, the jetty, the tree and the calm water. The lighting and color remind me of late fall. VEry nice. Trace

Anonymous said...

So peaceful and calming. Sit on the beach, take in the salt air and relax. Love it.

Anonymous said...

Ken, this view looked familiar - you did the same exact view, with more water on September 22! That post was a comparison looking opposite ways. I like the placid scene.

Ken Spencer said...

I am so glad that Stan still has a brain, because I don't! I completely forgot about the two photographs of the marsh grasses, and Stan was correct, I took nearly the same photograph on Sept 22. Oh well...