Sunday, November 29, 2020



I owe Vince big time for this photograph!  He was looking out the window after breakfast this morning and said:  "Look at how all the cattail hairs are blowing off the plants in the wind!"  So I got my camera and walked to the edge of the wetland behind their home.  It was like a snowstorm!  I always knew of these plants as "Cattails" or "Punks" as a kid.  When ripe, the heads disintegrate into a cottony fluff, from which the seeds disperse by wind.  There must have been a hundred of these in the wetland all within view.  Please click on the image to see it in more detail.  
So this is fun - I am friends with a neighbor of Vince and Jo Anne's and his name is Rick.  On other trips we have spent time talking about photography.  Rick is a really accomplished photographer.  After I came into the house from photographing the cattails, Vince got a photograph by email.  Rick had seen me out shooting, and we had a conversation, before I went back to photographing.  So what a fun thing to find he has snapped a shot of me at the edge of the marshland. with his phone.  This is fun, because I am an elusive photographer and am rarely photographed!


Rick said...

Ken, Thank you for your kind words. Good thing you captured the cattails when you did. It has been raining all day and the fluffy cattails are nothing but soggy lumps right now.


Ken Spencer said...

Hi Rick: Thanks for the photo! I hope it was OK that I didn't use your last name as a proper photo credit - I never post last names on the blog.

Anonymous said...

Fun photo and reminding me of the cattails in Guilford. Nice that Rick captured your photo.

Anonymous said...

The elusive photographer strikes again! Nice to see you at work thanks to Rick. Love seeing the cattails. I also thought of Guilford. betsey