Wednesday, November 4, 2020

The Best Haunted House!

This is the best and most creative haunted house in Sea Cliff.  It is an old Victorian, completely restored 15 years ago or more.  So it is beautiful to look at as architecture.  But at Halloween the owners do a wonderful job haunting it!  If you click on the image, I hope it enlarges enough to see the bicycles on the porch roof and the skeleton trying to peer into a window on the second story.

And on the front porch, they have done a spectacular job, populating it with all kinds of scary creatures, like these two.  I am guessing a werewolf, and a ghost.  It makes me smile every time I drive by the house during the day, and at night it is the coolest thing!



Anonymous said...

What a wonderful home to decorate for Halloween. The bicycles on the roof and wolf and ghosts are fun to see. A lot of work for the owners to get ready.

Anonymous said...

This house is perfectly suited for Halloween with its porch and lighted cupola. Love the wolf and the bicycles on the roof. FUN!! betsey