Tuesday, November 24, 2020

No Dunkin' - Swan Song

I have been doing my Tuesday posts of "No Dunkin' Donuts" for 38 weeks now.  I had no idea when I started how long this would go on for.  But it feels as if I need to stop now.  I realized the last couple of weeks that instead of having a relaxing coffee and donut at the beach, I spend most of my time trying to find yet one more photograph.  So our Tuesday ritual has become something else, and so I have decided that this is the last post in this project.  I had done a photo of me holding one of these donuts between by thumb and forefinger months ago.  I wanted to make the ultimate version of the shot, so later on I brought two chopsticks with me, stuck them into the bottom of the donut and took this picture.  Then I carefully retouched the chopsticks out of the image, and here is my surrealistic image that I really love.  It may be my favorite photograph of the whole series!

So here are our empty chairs on the beach as a way of saying goodbye.  We will continue our weekly ritual, and things will be much more relaxed for me, not having to find a picture each week. I mean, if I do find something wonderful, then I will do a regular post on the blog.  I first learned of the term "swan song" when I was in my early years at Newsday.  Someone talked about one of the reporters who was leaving, as "writing his swan."  I had no idea what that meant.  This is what Wikipedia says about a swan song:  "The swan song is a metaphorical phrase for a final gesture, effort, or performance given just before death or retirement.  The phrase refers to an ancient belief that swans sing a beautiful song just before their death, having been silent during most of their lifetime.  This belief, whose basis in actuality is long-debated, had become proverbial in ancient Greece and was reiterated many times in later Western poetry and art."


Ron said...

Thank you Ken. Enjoy your Tuesday donuts and some much deserved relaxation.

Anonymous said...

Creative photo. Love the beach scene and the empty chairs to symbolize. Enjoyed the Dunkin Donuts series but it's always fun to open up the blog each morning to see a new scene of life. Also, love the story about the swan. Trace

Anonymous said...

Great donut photo and empty beach chairs to leave us with. Your final Tuesday Dunkin swan song. Now relax and enjoy your coffee, tea and donuts.

Anonymous said...

Will miss the daily posts that I followed each morning with my coffee...but certainly understand the feeling to want to step back.
Enjoy not having that pressure each day and many thanks for all of the pictures and information!

ken schwarz said...

Well, nothing is forever and I totally get the stress of trying to come up with a creative Dunkin' Donuts photo every Tuesday! I think your family and friends will miss the weekly post; but this post of the Lone Donut and Empty Chairs is the perfect swan song! We have enjoyed the ride!

Ken Spencer said...

Thank you all for your lovely comments, and your understanding. It is nice to know that you all enjoyed the posts. NSM seems to think that I will stop ALL of my blog posts, but I am only stopping the SUBJECT of my Tuesday posts.

Anonymous said...

Ohhhhhh. phew! I feel better!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you decided to stop your Tuesday Dunkin posts after reading that you were not enjoying your coffee and "sweet" but feeling pressure to find a photo. It's not worth it then. It started out as something for you and Kathy to enjoy. So relax and drink your coffee next week. You'll be happier...betsey