Thursday, November 5, 2020

Only Slightly Haunted

I have been riding by this house for several months now.  They were milling one of the main roads I ride on and I had to find a different route for a couple of weeks.  I saw this house on my new route which is actually much better than my old route because it is through a lovely residential neighborhood on smaller roads.  This home is so beautiful and especially so seen in the late afternoon sunlight. Anyhow, they decorated this home with two skeletons - one hanging off the front porch, and a skeleton of a dog on the front porch!  One day I will see someone outside and I will stop and ask about how old this house is.  With the small windows just under the roof line, I am thinking that perhaps this house was built before the 20th century.  Stay tuned for more information.



Ron said...

I love that house. When you do get the chance to ask about the age of the home, ask if it is balloon construction. The way the windows on the top and bottom line up would lead me to believe that it is.

Anonymous said...

I love the simplicity. Keep riding so we can find out more information about this lovely home.